03 March 2013

Hello World, 2.0!

It's been over two years since I last posted on this blog. A lot has changed -- I spend almost no time actively engaging with Internet Misogynists, which has upped my productivity and reduced my stress level, but which has also lead to a dearth of amusing anecdotes about the complete cluelessness of sexists, homophobes, and other uninformed folk. I have been accepted into a PhD program in film studies at Unnamed Midwestern University, and I can't wait to start course work in the fall. I want some outlet for my non-academic musings on cinema, feminism, the academy, and queer politics, and although I could begin a new blog -- something fresh and scrubbed free of the records of previous foolishness -- I've decided to attempt to revive this blog as a home for a variety of musings, both personal and political. In a way, it feels like starting a new blog would represent an attempt to deny or disavow the many hours I spent in Internet Feminism, hours that have deeply shaped my own identity as a feminist and my awareness of the continuing need for radical, active, and engaged feminism. I may not still believe everything I said in the past, but it is a history that has lead me to where I am today.

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